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Jarrod Blandino, founder of Too Faced Cosmetics, shows how to get a natural, sexy day-time look using their Natural Face, Eye, and Lip collections. For the s…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
forward to trying it.
I’m so loving the curls.
This is to try things you haven’t before. In other words, the common sense
answer to your question.
You got to wonder how many small hand lotions & shampoos they must have in
their bathroom.
They sent them to her for free for the month of April
free I should do it too lucky ugh
Instead of spending $20/$30 on random items you may or may not like, why
not just go out and spend $30 on stuff you do actually want or need. Much
better value for money.
Did you watch the video?
“The value of my box was $54.” Come on, Suzy, I’m sure your box is worth
way more than that. Forgive me, I couldn’t resist.
so in love with your hair!!
Damn gurl, how many boxes are you subscribed to?! lol
You pay $30 and actually like only one or two products in the box each
month is hardly worth the money is it.
Take the risk and spend $30 to try something new and hate them. Totally
worth it vs trying these boxes!
your eyes are beautiful. are you wearing contacts? which ones?
Oh my gosh, I want all of these products!!!
0:20 fake smile -_-
what about asians?? D=
this bitch looks ugly and old as fuck!!!
Wow, everything she do is “PERFECT”.
the only product I’ve bought from two faced is the shadow insurance. nice
look though!
WAY out of my price range.
@nikkiferry93 they probably come in various shades. If not you can go to
your local sephora and ask for natural looking products made for dark skin
tones^^. There are a lot of brands creating lines that are specificaly made
of darker shades for daker skin tones^^.
ugh hy is she so pretty :((
@swollfirehouse I was even thining “she almost look the same without
God, She’s perfect the way she do makes all this makeup kit wonderful
@swollfirehouse She was already wearing makeup lol
Those “few simple steps” will cost me probably over 100 bucks.
My God what a terrible example for a model; she looks perfect without
they really sell this– I want IT!
She doesn’t look any different
i wish i could afford more of this makeup
nice tutorial!
I LOVE Too faced products!!!!!
sephora, use a regular person to demonstrate, not a model who doesn’t need
makeup in the first place.
Ohh myy godd!! My friend saw this and she. Bought it for her bday!!
This guy is very sexual O__o With the name of the eyeshadow and the
mascara, and he keeps saying sexy, seductive…wth.
She seemed to already have makeup before the application. But who cares, I
LOVE Shadow Insurance. I think is the best product Too faced has and is the
best primer in the market.
@spookybanshee I’m a mother of three including a one year old baby. I have
almost all of these products from too faced. I love them and they are part
of my daily have routine. It just takes a few minutes and I look put
together and beautiful. Not like the crazy woman I feel like with a six,
five and one year old.