Prodotti naturali di altissima qualità e senza parabeni. Rubinia Natural Cosmetics linee personalizzate: studio grafico, realizzazione etichette, packaging e…
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Blog post: My book ‘Cellulite Can Kiss My Butt!’ Toxic …

27 Responses »

  1. very inspiring favourites, please keep up the good work 🙂 l’m off to
    search a few things from this video, esp that mascara, l am really
    strugling to find volumising natural mascara at the mo.. my question for
    your Q&A would be – your natural shampoo recomendations, my hair (similar
    to yours, fine and blonde) never looked worse since switch to natural
    stuff, l don’t want to go back to conventional ones but don’t want to look
    bad either, my hair is all limp and looks like l haven’t washed it for 2
    weeks all the time..

  2. Try adding 1/2 of a small avocado to your smoothie–sounds weird but it
    makes it so creamy if you don’t have bananas! Also, if you have them,
    persimmons are great too and make a smoothy creamy :)

  3. i looked up on the banana council in aus and they said the losses where not
    that bad so i’m hoping it’ll only go to $4-5 a kilo

  4. Hi I was wondering if u could help me – I’m looking into buying a shower
    water filter but I don’t have a clue on which one to get. I live in the uk,
    do u by any chance which one is best and isn’t a fortune – the best price
    which is of high quality – I hope u can help many thanx xxx :))

  5. have you considered products that are palm oil free? as palm oil farming is
    one of the most serious threats to the rainforests

  6. Hi Emily, questions for Q&A
    1- what is the best way to use argan oil to moisturize the face so it
    doesn’t break out?
    2. when i moisturize my hands with coconut oil, although they feel smooth
    to the touch, my skin is still feeling very dry. i live in a very dry place
    and i have so much difficulty keeping my hands hydrated, nothing seems to
    work. what should i do?

  7. Hey Emily! And whoever else is reading this comment ;D

    I just started this channel on *NATURAL BEAUTY, HEALTH and WELL-BEING!*

    I’ve only made an introductory video but if *any of YOU* would like to
    check it out pleeease do. 😀 xx

  8. YES, more favorites please! I don’t have many other ways to hear about
    natural and healthy products so I really appreciate these. If you haven’t
    heard of Holistic Habits, check out her channel. You two are similar

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