Friday Find – Gotta love raw skinfood & Raw Gaia has some of the best raw organic ingredients to nourish your skin. Get 10% off your order – Code: WINTERCARE…
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Today, I want to talk about organic products. It is really helpful for sensitive skin types. What is exactly meant of organic cosmetics and non-organic produ…
Probably got paid for this video..
is a butter? Not a cream? No water? So not good as a moisturizer ….
It is a butter, water don’t provide any moisturizing benefits, it is very
That code’s no longer valid, it was almost 30$ for that, sadly way out of
my price range for moisturizer, but thanks for the review.
For those wanting to try Raw Gaia – the coupon code WINTERCARE for 10% off
has been reactivated.
@dedred5 Yea, I have the full description with the price listed on my blog.
$28.47 for a 60ml jar may seem a bit pricey but a very tiny bit goes a long
way. There is no water, fillers or any synthetic ingredients. Just 60mls of
pure organic oils and butters. I just emailed to see if I can get a new
code for anyone wanting to try it.
I want this product because I never tried it before I keep hearing about
how chemicals are bad for the skin. My skin is random it changes a lot and
I probably have combination skin type
I have really sensitive acne prone skin. My struggle with acne has started
ever since I started my teenage years. For more than ten years, acne has
been a problem that I had to face. Sure, OTC acne medications helped keep
them at bay and it is true that my acne problem has been reduced over time
but it still did not completely go away. Right now, I am using
dermatologist prescribed products but this causes redness and extreme
peeling, if used for a long time. I wanna try out organic products that are
gentler on the skin but would yield good results.
Mineral water or mineral oil? (water is not a chemical right)
Plus, chemical free “natural” produtcs are NOT organic, but certified
natural products are (ie. shea butters etc. ingredients are up to some %
organic plus the product is chemical free). Organic products always have a
certification stamp of sorts
I want to win this giveaway because I want to give this to my mother.I’m 16
so I really don’t need to worry all that much about eye cream and serums
but my mom is in her 40s and I want to give her something nice for all the
things she done for me.
I’m happy to know about this brand! I’m always looking for natural skincare
products and I was skeptical at first because not a lot of Asian skincare
products use all natural/organic ingredients, even if they say they do.
Although I’m not exactly sure where this brand is from, but I am assuming
Korea for now. I’m a natural skincare user so I can really help compare the
differences with other natural skincare products. My email is
I wanna win this product because I have never tried organic products. I
want to be the first guy who try this type of product. I never use organic
products because they spoil easily.
i really have sensitive skin . pimples can easily appear whenever i use
products not suitable to my skin thats why i want to win
i wanted to try this product because of the natural & organic ingredients
of this cream that specializes in deep moisturizing effect since i have dry
and sensitive skin.
i’m so excited that you introduces organic products. my skin is
unpredictable or should I say sensitive in some products. One day st’s fine
then the next day it’s all patchy and super dry. I want to try this new
product because maybe, this is the cure for my skin. I tried a lot of
products, some are good some are bad. I’m not afraid to try out new things
because maybe this is the right product for me. And to top the list this is
a Korean product. Korean products take care the skin of almost everyone so
well. Keep on doing videos like this. #WishTrendGiveaway fighting,
What is the Organic Skincare Products + Giveaway #WishtrendGiveaway +WISH
I’m so into natural or DIY skin care products coz i’ve sensitive dry skin.
I wanna try these out and I hope it works for me. I love you, wishtrend.
Coz of you, I get to know more things about Korea trends which i’m crazy
about. :)
Hi +WISH TREND ! I just finished watching a korean movie made in 2005
(jenny juno) and I saw a cosmetics refrigerator. I was just wondering if
they are still used today in korea? Thanks!
Love your new segments, by the way! <3
Wishtrend fighting! :D
thank you for doing this giveaway. I really want to try those products
becuz I want to see how the organic product can be different from the
chemical products that im currently using.
Wishtrend Email:
I’m very hesitant when it comes to new skincare products because I don’t
like using so many chemicals on my face. My skin is very sensitive, and
there are times when even if I touch it, it leaves a noticeable, itchy red
spot. My current cleanser doesn’t make my skin feel nice at all.. and it’s
been like this with so many products. I would really like to try these
organic products, they sound promising and amazing!! My email is Thank you for hosting this giveaway! :)
thank u Eunice for this awesome giveaway!! in winter I have pretty dry
skin and in summer I would have combination skin. Last year I started
having so many pimples all over my face (don’t know why) and they have left
so many acne scarring… i think organic products would help to relieve
the acne scarring and also help nourish my skin during winter. If i could
actually get this product on my hands, I would share it with my mom because
her skin is really dry and have a lot of dark spots, the cream and the eye
cream would definitely help her ( I think it would be a great gift for her).
Wishtrend account:
I don’t have facebok or twitter can I participate to the giveaway ??
I really want to try once organic products because I think it’s very good
for our skin, it’s healthy and 100% natural. I have a really acne/scars
skin so I use to use chemicals products…
Wishtrend ID :
I’ve use many skincare, and I’ve these acne scar that I wish to get rid of.
I’ve combination skin, and spring is here so it’s better than during the
winter, but still
I love organic products because i have dry sensitive skin and although i
don’t have breakouts alot i tend to get flaky skin which is highlighted
when i wear beauty products as well as getting red and irritated. I would
love to try out a organic product, but also a korean organic product as
i’ve always loved korean products, it would be nice to try out organic
products to see how my skin reacts to them compared the normal products i
usually use but also i just want to give my skin the care it needs and just
let it breathe for a while without getting flaky or irritated constantly.
P.s. Thank you for doing this giveaway
Yipeee! another giveaway!!! ^^
Wanna win that goodies coz imma fan of natural/organic products <3 and also
love korea love korean products
I’d love to try these organic products because my skin has been getting a
bit.. bumpy lately.. and it just has been becoming less and less smooth
throughout these few years. I have never actually used organic face
products before and i would love to try them and see what they can do for
my skin! ^^
My skin is very sensitive and I’m prone to breakouts due to certain
chemicals. At the moment I use organic skincare from a swedish line and
I’ve also found, like you, that organic skincare works better for me. I do
however wan’t to try something else but often I’m afraid to switch up
products since my skin often reacts to it in a bad way. This products got
me very interested, I’m looking for a new organic moisture cream that isn’t
too greasy and an organic eye cream with anti-aging properties which
actually works!
I really really want to win the giveaway! Because here in England skin care
products that work on my skin are sooo expensive for a broke student like
me! My skins condition is progressively getting worse and I need to calm it
down so badly! Thank you wishtrend for the tips!
“Euncieeeeeeee! I love your videos, specially the one of the lips (use
cream and Q-tip to exfoliate the lips). It Works and my lips say thanks to
u.” Well, now getting to what u asked I just wanted to comment that I have
had acne in my SUPER sensitive skin and it is something horrible. I work as
a salesperson and I have to constantly be showing my face to the public.
After I began using Smashbox makeup my face was like the surface of the
moon, and I spent like three years with that problem.
I saw that people began to treat me a little different when my face was
covered with acne. It was horrible because I noticed that people didn’t
smile anymore when they talked to me. Sometimes they just stared at me and
had that expression in their eyes. I just wanted the day to end and go
running back to my home to watch my Korean dramas because I forgot all my
problems when I did this. :,(… However, I think it was Korea that saved me!
When I became fan of K-pop I discovered a new world.
I remember that I bought my first Korean product from Wish Trend (the
Caolion Sensitive BB Cream), and it was the first time I ever bought
something online. Two years ago my mom had spent like $100 in buying a
Clinique anti-blemish kit, but it just made my face worse than before.
Thus, she was very skeptical of Korean products. The first day all my
family was like, “No, those Chinese products are not good and you will get
an allergy or something.”, and I always replied, “First of all they are not
Chinese they are Korean cosmetics, and they are considered to have higher
quality than most American brands!” -_- But I know they said this to me
because they love and care for me! Aww!!
My box took like a month to come, and that month was one of the most
confidence breaking times in my life. I decided to stop using all makeup
until my Korean BB cream came to my hands. I forced myself to be bare faced
like Uni, in order to prepare my skin for a change! (Fighting hahah! ;D)
When my box arrived my expression was as the first time I saw Lee Min Ho!
Completely fan girling over it! I began to use the Skin and Lab samples and
my BB Cream and it felt like heaven. What a difference is to use bb cream
than foundation! I never realized that foundation actually feals heavy on
the face!
I was so convinced that the time to change for good had come, thus I
decided to buy more Korean products. After struggling for so long my skin
is completely clear. I’m not a moon anymore; I just shine like the moon
:)… I love organic products and I always investigate like crazy the
ingredients and the brand’s reliability on what they say. Do they walk
their talk? That’s something really important to maintain my skin clear.
OMG! This was long, hope I didn’t bore you Uni! If I win this giveaway I
will use these products to be more beautiful ;), and keep my skin in a good
condition. When I become old and my skin falls down because of gravity I
still want to look like those Korean ajumas that have nice skin and still
look young hahaha!!! I think I have suffered a lot, now it is the time to
shine! Shine like Shinee hahah!!
I wanna try this product because I want to get rid of my acne scars and
want better smoother skin. I love trying out new skincare products so I
would love to try cellbn also!
I want to try this because it’s organic and contains natural ingredients! I
am also looking for new skincare products since I don’t have a set skincare
routine. Wishtrend email: