Hey guys! I really hope you liked this video and it has been helpful to you. I will leave the companies website below for you to have a look. Like I have said its definitely worth giving a…
Hey guys! I really hope you liked this video and it has been helpful to you. I will leave the companies website below for you to have a look. Like I have said its definitely worth giving a…
Hey Jessica this isn’t related to the video but your username is
JessicaFench but on your channel it says French? Just a bit confused haha.
And also I know lots of your subscribers want to know this so I though I’d
ask… what happened to LondonFashionFreak? She was so good! She was one of
the 1st people to sub to me I loved her! If it’s personal then please don’t
feel like you have to explain, I’d just love it if you could tell her that
we all loved her vids and would love if she came back
@MelovesMusicAndstuff I don’t have to prove anything. But I’ve been sent
stuff before and have said negative things about them. I strive on making
sure my blog is 100% honest, positive or negative! I made this video to
show people alternatives to high end skincare products. I like to have
freedom on my blog and say what i truly feel, and if i was send a product
to review i would let them know thats how its going to be. They didn’t tell
me i had to review them, it was my choice to share this. xo
@MelovesMusicAndstuff I was not paid to do this video, I just wanted to
show everyone because they are great products, so I wanted to share this.
Even if I was getting paid I still would be 100% honest. Sorry that you
feel that way!
why cant i find you on twitter? the link doesnt work
@Jessy6067 I guess it depends on how much you’re willing to spend on
skincare products… like she mentioned she still prefers her Dermalogica
cleanser and will re purchase it after this one is finished… I guess if
you can afford high end products this shouldn’t be a problem. I can’t, so
I’m definately trying their moisturizer =]
This video was very helpful! I may have to try some of the products off.
Have fun in NYC chick x
I just love your vids! Please, try and do a hair care video!! :))
Its a pyjama top from primark! xo
I’ll definatley give them a try. Also where is your t-shirt from? I love
it! x
@FlairXxx Yes they are a great brand
thank you for your comment! xo
Will you continue to use these in your everyday routine? Or are you just
saying they are good because you’ve been sent them? I dont mean this in a
nasty way just dont want to end up buying something thats not that good
@Betinhaac Thank you for informing others of this :)! xo btw the
moisturiser is amazing, you will not be disappointed! xo
@BeautyStartsWithin You definitely should
Thank you! xo
@anaisanaisxx No I was not getting paid! If i was getting paid i would
still be 100% honest positive or negative. xo
@Jessy6067 they are really good products if your currently using high
street skin care brands because i personally think they are better then
simple. I cant say for others because I haven’t tried them. but compared to
simple they are better. Thats why i have shared this! I made this video to
show people an alternative to high end brands. Even though ive been sent
them, I will still be 100% honest. positive or negative! I hope this helps
@itsadelineyeh oops its because I changed it, should work now
@BeingJagger its pyjamas from topshop
@Jessy6067 I will continue to use the night cream, anti ageing moisturiser
because they are seriously amazing products. I will also continue to use
the cleanser until it runs out, then i will re purchase my dermologica
because i find it more moisturising and i prefer the texture. oh and the
exfoliator because i don’t like to waste products and its a good standard
product. However I will not continue to use the facial wash simply because
I prefer cleansers
did you get these sent to you?
please check out my blog, i have only just started but would love some help
and advice on blogging?xoxo
i feel like you were just talking for something you were payed to do..not
convinced :/
@millieflorencexo Yes they aren’t necessary but I do believe that its good
to start young! Just because it helps prevent the signs of ageing & how you
treat your body/skin now is how its going to be affected when you get
older. I see it like this anyway, either way the products your using are
going to be moisturising your skin etc so why not use products with ant
ageing properties in it? It does no harm & they do the same thing accept
obviously one has anti ageing properties added to it
Fab video hun. I’ve used the facial wash and exfoliator before and have to
say they are brilliant. I love the brand because of their organic
ingredients and their philosophy . Thanks for sharing xx
@iliketurtlesism Yes! I said at the start that they were sent to me. I
accepted because I thought it would be a good opportunity to try them, see
what they were like and share them because i know that everyone wants good
value, good quality skincare products! xo
They look absolutely amazing! Wish I could get them but I don’t live in the
UK. Is there any website that sells these products? Also, how do the
products smell like?? I’m really into organic skincare and am always
looking for new products to try. =)