Pacifica Natural Skincare Line – Product Review

Hey Guys, Thanks for returning to this channel. This is a product review for the Pacifica “Good Karma Skincare,” Line. I purchased the sample kit at Target f…

Products Mentioned: Dr Woods Black Soap Facial Cleanser Sibu Detox Cleansing Bar Aura Cacia Soothing Tamanu Serum Oil Reviva Labs DMAE & Alpha Lipoc Acid & V…

17 Responses »

  1. I have always had dark circles under my eyes, I mean always since I was a
    little child I never thought I can get rid of them until I purchased the
    Natura Siberica ACTIVE ORGANICS Eye Cream-Gel It reallly helped me a lot I
    can go any where happy without covering those circles. I also before I
    start using that eye product I noticed some puffiness which is now gone.
    You should give it a try its only 9.99$ at amazon. you maybe want to know
    that its not 100% natural it has some fragrance in it but the ingredients
    are not that bad check them.

  2. I love natural skincare products!!! You look beautiful I am loving the poka
    dot top. Ohh I’ve got to try the sibu detox cleansing bar. SheaTerra black
    soap is amazing I use it in the evening. So all this stuff you got from
    vitacost? I’ve never shopped there I probably should do a haul soon. Great
    video, love!!!!

  3. I have pure tamanu oil and it does have a funky smell, so the tea tree
    combination probably makes it smell even more! I’m hoping to get some more
    natural skincare products soon! I’m finally using my Seabuckthorn oil a bit
    more to see if it really helps my breakouts, and it smells even more funky!
    lol But I am getting used to it 🙂 Great video!

  4. Try Olivado’s Extra Virgin Avocado Oil. Its amazing although it is meant
    for cooking but is wonderful for skin and undereyes. I hope that helps! :)

  5. Girl, try the home health goji berry eye cream! I love it and I’ve tried so
    many, I even strayed but went back. it’s around $10 for 1 oz. You can get
    on or vitacost! :)

  6. Loving your top gorgeous! Your eyeshadow is so pretty too!
    These are really good recommendations. I should try that Eclos Daily Facial
    Cleansing Oil! Seems so nice and I’ve never tried a cleansing oil.

  7. Been using the sibu detox bar for nearly 3 years now. My skin has never
    been happier 🙂 it’s so gentle, cleans thoroughly and is never drying. Been
    using it with my Konjac sponge lately too. :)

  8. Totally interested in the Sibu cleanser – where do you purchase them at?
    Bought the cleansing oil and just wanting for it to come in the mail 🙂

  9. Will you please do a review on the black soap cleanser? I’ve been looking
    for a more gentle cleanser. Would it be too gentle for oily skin, would it
    still clean my skin?

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