Organic SKINCARE Haul / Review (Synergistic Living)

Hi everyone! 🙂 Sharing with you a haul or review video of the organic skin care products that I got from Synergistic Living. Thank you for watching! 🙂 *Link for Shea Butter (16 OZ) with…
Video Rating: 5 / 5

In the webinar you will learn the most exciting and effective custom blends that can be created using the ilike organic skin care products and treatments. Spend this time with me to learn…
Video Rating: 5 / 5

11 Responses »

  1. You look so gawgeous as always! Ang cute ng baby dun oh hhehe I love
    organics!!! Those products sound interestin!! THanks for sharin ;-)

  2. hala me too nice! switched to natural skincare ko =) lol =) i used toput
    rosehip oil sa face then it graduated to argan oil sa undereye and
    moroccan oil for the face kay after giving birth, super dry na jud akong
    skin! and winter is coming here in nz!!! 

  3. wow sis thanks for sharing this.. gsto ko sya ishare same tau pag winter to
    spring my dry skin i mean my skin type is defends s weather hehe

  4. Hi everyone! 🙂 Sharing with you a haul or review video of the organic skin
    care products that I got from Synergistic Living. Thank you for watching! 🙂

  5. Great review ate nice. That really sounds interesting..since i have a very
    dry skin, i might want to try that.

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