Organic Skin Care – Michael Todd Knu Serum Review – Anti Aging Serum

Buy Michael Todd Knu at For more information about MIchael Todd Knu review examples, watch our videos and visit th…
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Find out what healthy finds Ive been loving in October! Natural skincare, organic foods and More =) OPEN ME UP! PRODUCTS MENTIONED -…

25 Responses »

  1. I’m LOVING that lip colour Nikky and your scarf is super adorable! You look
    all winter-fied!

    KIND bars are my best friend….they’re perfect for when I’m feeling the
    need for a snack but am not yet hungry enough for a meal!

  2. I just found your channel and I just love it! As someone who also eats
    gluten free, I love your recipe videos and I loved this one, too! Thanks!
    Btw, love your scarf!! 

  3. Thanks for all the great ideas and tips! I love essential oils – my
    collection is multiplying like a bunch of hamsters! Yes on the book review.
    That one is on my to read list, but I got a few by Marianne Williamson
    first. You look beautiful in red – very winter holiday. Stay warm!!

  4. Loving your lip color, and I would totally love to see a skin care routine
    video! I just found your channel and I absolutely love your content :)

  5. I have been thinking about ordering one of those essential oil key chains
    from Niblet Blog. Thanks for the recommendation! Have you tried making your
    own deodorant? I found it to be the most effective deodorant – conventional
    or natural – that I have ever used. There’s a video on my channel showing
    what works well for me.

  6. So enjoyed your faves! I shared a few of my own on my channel, including my
    favorite new cruelty-free shampoo. It was my first go at a monthly
    favorites…I so enjoyed these kinds of videos from others that I wanted to
    join in on the fun! <3

  7. Love!!! I always get the best ideas and tips from you! I am also so
    obsessed with that deodorant, and now you’re making me want to get into the
    oils even more! Gotta save up!!! xo

  8. Love your videos! I saw on your blog you traveled for 2 years?? That’s so
    awesome! Could you do a video explaining more about your experience?? I’m
    at a point in my life where I’d love to travel and kind of feel like now is
    the time to do it..but figuring out the logistics of it all is a little
    overwhelming. I’d love to hear about your experience! Thanks

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