“No-Makeup Makeup” with Chloe Morello // I love makeup.

Some days we like to go “au natural.” Other days, you just want to LOOK like it. Chloe Morello is showing ILM her tips for keeping your looks flawless & simp…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

100% Pure – http://www.100percentpure.eu/ Neve Cosmetics – http://www.nevecosmetics.it/it/ Everyday Minerals – http://www.everydayminerals.com/store/ 100% Pu…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

27 Responses »

  1. Brown mascara or clear would make it look even more natural but still opens
    up the eyes in a less harsh way like black 

  2. I have pretty much the same routine, the only thing that i skip is the
    eyeshadow, creamy or powdery i just don’t use it att all, love the lips
    tips BTW thanks for sharing, kisses <3

  3. Thank you for saying let your imperfections show through. I struggle with
    moderate acne and I usually use full coverage foundations. I definitely
    forget that it’s okay to let some imperfections show through and that no
    one cares, thanks for reminding me! And thanks for the other tips, I love
    that blush, it really livened up your face!

  4. I really love your tips to this natural look, but for some reason, I so
    dislike calling it a “no-makeup” makeup look. Maybe it’s just me…

  5. I think this is a really good tutorial especially for younger girl!!
    it shows how to use the basics gives great tips and shows that u can still
    look very beuatiful without caking your face with makeup.!!

  6. You could add a bit of a highlight to the jawbone and near the temples to
    give you a stronger sharper yet natural look. Just stick to a highlighter
    that is one shade lighter than your skin tone.

  7. Really good ideas!
    Might I suggest filming in a less echo-y room? It was a bit hard to hear
    you properly. If you hang some thick curtains up around you, it will also
    muffle the echo. 

  8. Saludos desde Bogota, Colombia. Me encanta ver tus videos aunque poco
    entiendo el ingles; que bueno seria poderle colocar la traduccion en la
    parte inferior del video.

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