Natural Skincare Haul, Vitacost and iHerb

Here is my little shopping basket of iHerb and Vitacost (American websites) goodies! I am planning on minimising the ingredients I use on my skin and body, h…
Video Rating: 4 / 5 Products Mentioned in Video: Green Oil Hair Treatment No…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

44 Responses »

  1. Do you want 10$ off your first buy at vitacost for vitamins or other
    healthy stuff use this referral:

  2. Ooh, that’s so cool that your mom’a all crafty! I hear soap making is one
    of the more difficult products to make.. I still totally love my bar soap,
    by the way, my bathroom always smells amazing now! 🙂 x

  3. Hey there! Just a quick note [and you may already know this]: the video
    content ends at 9:17, and then black screen until 20:05. Really love your
    videos! I’ll have to check out iHerb, looks interesting. Peace!

  4. I want all those things 🙂 I hadn’t heard of iHerb before; I’ll have to
    have a look at their website. I’ve bought oils and clays from Gracefruit
    who have all sorts of interesting things like apricot kernels for scrubs,
    powdered strawberry, banana and other fruits for cleansing, oils, butters
    and generally anything you need for making your own skin care products.
    I’ve made my own soaps with some of their ingredients and am quite happy
    with the quality of their products.

  5. Hehehe, I don’t think I’ve ever seen any so excited about a bar of soap
    before. 🙂 My mom makes bar soaps and lotions from scratch, so that’s all
    we EVER used growing up. I’m excited to hear some updates on your own DIY
    projects–please keep us posted. Loved the haul, so so much! Listening to
    people talk about natural products is hypnotizing to me these days. 🙂 x

  6. I actually just made a mask with the clay powder today (with avocado and
    jojoba oils) and my skin feels lovely and soft now! Yum 🙂

  7. EEK!! No idea why it did that.. I’ve adjusted the end time now so there
    shouldn’t be an issue (once the change goes through) THANKYOU for letting
    me know.. x 🙂

  8. It’s not spectacular, but it does the job! I think the addition of the
    carrot seed oil has extra benefits, but jojoba is still my favourite base

  9. I use vinegar to condition my hair!! I am “no-poo” which means I don’t use
    shampoo or conditioner! I prefer to wash my hair with baking soda and rinse
    with vinegar 🙂 x

  10. How are you enjoying the argan oil? I’ve been reading that the argan oil
    from the NOW brand is either hit or miss so I’m scared about it :/

  11. Omg patchouli sandalwood lavender YOU LIKE ALL MY FAVORITE THINGS! That’s
    so neat that you’re making your own things I think I would like to do that
    with face masks :3

  12. TOTALLY understand that, when I was visiting Germany I just couldn’t be
    no-poo, my hair freaked out and I’m convinced it was the water hardness..

  13. You talk too much and waste time; you should get right into it right
    away….time is valuable…nobody wants to waste their time….

  14. Girl you seriously look gorgeous in this video! Did you get a new camera??
    You really deserve more subbies, I wish you and your channel the very
    BEST!! <3

  15. Rocio I love this video ! I am a new sub and will be buying the milk cream
    for my belly to prevent stretch marks during my pregnancy ♥ Thank you xoxo 

  16. Chica you look super stunning 😉 Thank you so much for including a demo
    cause it’s very helpful. Miss you & look fwd to your up coming videos – Be
    safe xoxo

  17. Siempre te ves muy linda, pero esta vez no me gustó mucho tu delineador de
    labios mas oscuro que tu labial, creo que solía estar de moda en los 90’s
    pero ahora se ve un poco raro sino se trata de un ombré :S

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