23 Responses »

  1. I’m looking into this. I’m highly allergic to stuff on the market for
    skincare. So I have leaned to natural ingredients. I have used natural
    skincare products for a long,long time. 

  2. good looking women, but im a guy so i dont want the products, but this
    Eastern wisdom for health, beauty, or anything from the Vedic tradition is
    very under-rated.

  3. I cook sume nice vedic dishes for all you indian girlsss :$

    I know the fountin of youth from Kriya yogg

    And with sume love and child happiness

    Thats why i go kaboem Like Aummm and having creation power
    Yall beauty is the cause

  4. i apologize for being rude but these are two of the hottest babes i have
    ever seen in my life! Such divine beauty! OH MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS!!!

  5. You would all be all right with who you are if you had been making your
    decisions based upon how they feel to you all along. But it is because you
    have been trying to evaluate yourself through the eyes of others… Oh, it
    is really an interesting thing how whatever powers-that-be choose the way
    you should look. And then you compare with that and come short almost every
    time… Because they have AIR BRUSHES and really good lenses in their
    cameras… You are so hard on yourselves when you are someplace different
    than where you want to be. And that is what this message is all about. You
    must soothe yourself into emotional comfort before your desires can become
    manifest. You cannot hold yourself in disrespect of self and get what you
    want.- Abraham-Hicks –

    Natural Metta/Namaste =)

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