Happy Valentine’s/GALENTINE’S day ladies! Remember, you can still make it special even if you’re not strapping on your heels for a fancy dinner or being show…
SUBSCRIBE for more Natural Skin Care Videos- http://bit.ly/HimaniWright PLEASE CLICK ‘SHOW MORE’ for helpful natural tips + advice! ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○…
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What cosmetic data base were you looking up products on? I could not find
I just got the andalou cleansing milk and it’s amazing!!
I so agree with your skincare ideas and also prefer going “back to the
basics”. I get excited when i see a short ingredient list too but that is
pretty rare sadly. Even in well known “natural brands”. I love your video
because i wanted to know more natural brands and your thoughts of them
since not many youtubers talk about them. I have pretty dry cheeks and
since i started using facial oil, have noticed an improvement. I really
like Aesop (Australian brand) and have been trying their pdts
I was so excited to see you doing a natural haul! Thank you for the shout
out. You’re such a beautiful & lovely person 🙂 I was curious about your
date 😉 So I’m glad it went well!
The Dior provides a similar level of coverage but as it’s less hydrating it
sets more quickly and stays put a bit longer. Of the two I would probably
go with that one for a wedding, or maybe a different one altogether. I
could see the By Terry Touche Veloutee working well because of its
lightweight texture, but not sure if it would flash back in photos. I’ve
heard good things about the Amazing Cosmetics one. Not at all a straight
forward answer, but wedding makeup is serious business.
In the past I’ve just picked up coconut oil at my local health food store
(just make sure it’s raw) but this time I ordered from Vitacost since I was
already placing an order and it was cheaper. I’m interested to see what you
think of using honey! I really do think I like it so far! And I really hope
the 100% pure eye cram works for you too. Unfortunately it was a major bust
for me. :-/
Aw yay, good for you! That’s exactly what I’ve been trying to do too as far
as skin care, body care, and hair care is concerned. I totally think that
as much as possible, natural is the way to go. I’m also really interested
in exploring more natural & organic makeup lines, but not sure I could give
up some of my beloved not-so-good-for-you products yet. We’ll see. :p xo
I love your voice and you discuss products really well. I’m happy to
subscribe 🙂 Thanks for the info
Thanks girl! I’m actually super excited to film the haul. So many fancy new
things to gush about! 🙂
I’ve been looking for someone who uses and reviews natural beauty products.
I am wondering if you are into using animal cruelty free products as well?
I am trying to replace my products with natural and cruelty free products
as I go through my other products.
looking forward to yr upcoming haul!
Yay, this was so well timed, I am planning a Vitacost haul soon.. thanks
for the recommendations! Jojoba oil was already on my list!
Hey lady!! 🙂 Ooh yes, coconut oil is just the best! In addition to
slathering it all over my body it’s now the only oil I cook with. Such good
stuff. And haha, I saw your instagram of the face mask! I totally want to
try it now as my skin has been a bit drier since the move. It sounds pretty
awesome. Miss you too! Send my love to the pets! 🙂
Thanks for the video, you can also use oatmeal as face wash in the morning
if you have super sensitive skin, it pretty amazing…
how long did the andalou kit last?
Thats’ a great idea!I’ve been using my homemade butter all winter and my
skin is amazing, so soft 🙂 I also add cocoa butter and my stretch marks
started fading away! 🙂
Cravings! Yes. Those evil, evil feelings. I would imagine a strong, willful
mindset is definitely needed to fight those. I think I have a slight
allergy to dairy, too. I switched from regular nonfat milk to almond milk &
it has saved me a great deal of discomfort. Cheese is my biggest problem.
I’m a fan of queso & chips from Mexican restaurants but I think it gives me
hormonal/jawline acne, which is why I asked about the skincare. Thanks a
bunch for your input. You are incredibly sweet. 🙂
Hey girl! I think it’s just different for everyone. I’ve heard of people
whose skin has improved after going all natural, as well as people whose
skin has worsened. I think it just depends on what ingredients your skin
reacts to. Personally, aside from taking meds the biggest positive change
I’ve ever seen in my skin was when I cut out processed foods and ate mostly
a raw vegan diet, but natural skin care products also seem to work really
well for me. Sorry I can’t offer more clear feedback! :-/
Thanks Hayley, that’s so kind of you to say! And of course no thanks are
needed. You’ve become one of my go-to people for skin care recommendations
and I always look forward to your videos! 🙂 xo
Aw, tanks lady. 🙂 If I were you I wouldn’t feel bad about not having a
skin care routine–your skin always looks so flawless and you’re young! I
say keep it simple while you can. But if you do feel like delving into skin
care, I think natural products are an excellent way to go. IMO you can get
better quality for less $ with natural stuff. My skin is usually
normal/combo, but since moving up north it’s been less oily and more
normal! xx
Perfect! My goal is to use up all my makeup up skincare and not but
anything new… when I use up the stuff I’m switching to natural and
organic! xx
No, don’t apologize! I love that you educate yourself so I thought I’d ask
your opinions first. I do know that a lot of acne problems originate from
within first, like food allergies & tons of sugar from processed foods.
It’s amazing (not in a good way lol) the damage they can do & how it shows
on the exterior. This leads me to my next question, was it difficult going
to a mostly raw/vegan diet? Did you have a bad detox period? I’m pretty
sure my body would completely freak out if/when I do it.
Love this video <3 I'm so glad to hear that you like Andalou Naturals mask
because i was thinking of buying it 🙂 have to buy this kit 🙂 You should
also try shea butter, it's just amazing! 🙂
love this video! i use coconut oil on EVERYTHING and i love using honey in
my skin routine. cant wait to see what you think of the sunscreen. and im
pretty interested in that argan oil as im nearing the end of my moisturizer
and have also been replacing cleansers and such with more natural
alternatives. just got the oil forte cleanser from laventine a while back
and i love it.
I adore the Andalou glycolic mask, devita sunscreen and Hayley! Lol. I
didn’t like the 100% eye cream either, it did absolutely nothing. Just
subscribedl 🙂 can’t wait to see what other natural skin care you try
So happy that enjoyed the video, Lilly! 🙂 xoxo
Next video is a DIY Beauty Video (and it has been HIGHLY requested by so
many of you)!! Can’t wait to share it with you beautiful ladies soon!! xoxo
Hi Namrata and Suhasini, I wish I could reply to your comments, but
unfortunately I’m unable to do so because your accounts aren’t connected to
Please don’t worry…Awe Cosmeceuticals ship worldwide, my lovelies. 🙂 The
links are in my description box. 🙂 Much love! xoxo
Hey him ami. Great video. But I think besan dries up your skin. Is it
important to use or we can use the mask without it?
Namaste Himani! I love your videos!! They’re amazing! They help all ur
subscribers soo much!! I just used the natural facial fair removing
technique and it worked wonders for me! Thanks fr d lovely videos! Also,I
was just wondering if u could do some videos on how teenagers should take
care of their skin…it would really be helpful if u could come up with
such videos!
Lotsa Love from India :*
Your skin is beautiful! (And so are you!)
Where can I get the lightening serum
Your skin is so beautiful and glowing! I’ll definitely follow your tips
from now on. Love you and your channel! Great job on your videos!
but these products arent available in europe ;(((
u look sooooo beautiful without makeup 🙂 🙂
thank you so much :)
Hi Himani.Thanx for the videos. U r so beautiful.perfect skin.i wish i
could have skin like urs.
such a nice video… lov your channel… 🙂 you are fun and pretty… just
subscribed… … check our channel 🙂 thanks dear
hello dear..make draw my life video
I want to knw howvto reduce th pigmentation… i hv lots of white headscn
black heads 🙁 plz post a video or send me link of it….
This is so helpful, thanks! Which camera do you use?
Love your videos..they look so natural and pure!!
Awesome info! I have acne scars from a severe bout of acne I had over a
year ago….so this was really useful!Thumbs up!
I m ur new subbie and i love ur channel…ur so inspiring…n i have a
request for a waxing or hair removal kind of video
Thank u lovely xx❤️
I just love your tips your are doing an amazing job and thanks allot for
sharing the beauty secret :)
Ah I wish those products were available here in India :/
Hey himani, you looking great in this video 🙂
I wish those products were available in India.
m ur new subbie!!!
i just love ur videos…
they have been really helpful to me..!!
u r soo beautiful!! :)