Natural Beauty & Skincare Haul

Always watch in 720p/fullscreen for the best quality video! Twitter:!/LillianMasie Instagram: lillianmasie Tumblr: http://lillianmasie….
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Instagram: lillianmasie Twitter: LillianMasie Hello! This video is the first of a new series I’m doing called “Natural Saturdays”. Every other Saturday I’ll …
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 Responses »

  1. That Rosehip Oil is my absolute favorite! I really want to try that
    sunscreen moisturizer…I’m on the hunt for a good natural one!

  2. awesome. I love using natural products on my face i use my moms homemade
    soap and her homemade lotion on my face the only thing i dont use thats not
    natural is elfs zit zapper that i use all over my face. My face is alot
    clearer than it was when i was using non- natural products. I hope me
    saying this and lillian’s vid gives people courage to use natural products
    to its worth it and cheaper

  3. I use extra virgin olive oil at night as a cleanser & it removes makeup!
    It’s super gentle & amazing on my skin then in the morning I cleanse with
    raw honey too. They’re both amazing as cleansers, though I love the olive
    oil more 🙂 

  4. I would skip commerical toner and used refridgerated filtered water, aloe
    vera juice or a chamomile or green tea, lemon verbena hydrosol from
    Mountain Rose Herbs. ;-)

  5. Lillian, thank you so much for this video! I’ve gone the all
    natural/organic route for three years, but this has inspired me to condense
    it down even further and really get down into the essentials. I’m actually
    wearing a honey mask as I’m typing this. Ha ha.

  6. How did I miss this one!? Great video, Lillian! Your skin looks absolutely
    flawless, radiant, and beautiful! I have always heard you could put honey
    on your face, but have always been afraid to try it. After watching this,
    however, I think I’m going to just go for it!! Is your mom’s channel up
    yet? I have been excited to go sub to her! Hugs, Candice 

  7. Hello from Russia! I want to say that you are very beautiful and cute! I
    watch your videos for a long time. You are my ideal. You are very natural.
    A kiss from Russia. Thank you!)

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