Always watch in 720p/fullscreen for the best quality video! Twitter:!/LillianMasie Instagram: lillianmasie Tumblr: http://lillianmasie….
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Instagram: lillianmasie Twitter: LillianMasie Hello! This video is the first of a new series I’m doing called “Natural Saturdays”. Every other Saturday I’ll …
Video Rating: 4 / 5
That Rosehip Oil is my absolute favorite! I really want to try that
sunscreen moisturizer…I’m on the hunt for a good natural one!
Love the video! If you want to look into a Natural Skin Care line my mom
has one and its pretty affordable too! is her etsy. Thanks!!
awesome. I love using natural products on my face i use my moms homemade
soap and her homemade lotion on my face the only thing i dont use thats not
natural is elfs zit zapper that i use all over my face. My face is alot
clearer than it was when i was using non- natural products. I hope me
saying this and lillian’s vid gives people courage to use natural products
to its worth it and cheaper
I use extra virgin olive oil at night as a cleanser & it removes makeup!
It’s super gentle & amazing on my skin then in the morning I cleanse with
raw honey too. They’re both amazing as cleansers, though I love the olive
oil more
is this routine good for oily skin?
Omigosh ur SOOO pretty
Great job on this video! You look lovely natural!
I would skip commerical toner and used refridgerated filtered water, aloe
vera juice or a chamomile or green tea, lemon verbena hydrosol from
Mountain Rose Herbs. ;-)
jeeeez, if I looked half as good as you do without makeup id be the
happiest girl alive!!!! gorgeous as always!!!
tnx lillian,i really enjoy watching your videos.more videos like this plz
Oh no what happened? You used to post on a regular basis
Hope everything
is well with you and your loved ones.
i looooove this! <3 glad to find another natural beauty :)
I use jojoba oil to remove my makeup. It’s soothing and lovely. You should
try it. :)
you look a lot like Nicola Peltz!!
I’ve started using honey as a cleanser and it’s amazing! My skin is so much
healthier feeling! I love love love it.
you’re so stinkin smart…. love ya!
Your voice is so pretty : )
Where are UR videos /:
Please Lilian, do a bathroom tour and lookbook <3
Lillian, thank you so much for this video! I’ve gone the all
natural/organic route for three years, but this has inspired me to condense
it down even further and really get down into the essentials. I’m actually
wearing a honey mask as I’m typing this. Ha ha.
How did I miss this one!? Great video, Lillian! Your skin looks absolutely
flawless, radiant, and beautiful! I have always heard you could put honey
on your face, but have always been afraid to try it. After watching this,
however, I think I’m going to just go for it!! Is your mom’s channel up
yet? I have been excited to go sub to her! Hugs, Candice
Hello from Russia! I want to say that you are very beautiful and cute! I
watch your videos for a long time. You are my ideal. You are very natural.
A kiss from Russia. Thank you!)
That is my favorite honey to use! Its amazing..just found you and your so
Oh my gosh you are SO beautiful!