25 Responses »

  1. I recently started using Pangea Organics and I’m so happy my skin has
    cleared up and I threw away all my old MaryKay skincare. I was so excited
    that I joined as an Organic Loyalist and I get 20%off my skincare now! I’m
    so excited to share and tell everybody!! (Now I can take it easy on my
    pocket at WholeFoods)… Pangeaorganics.com/BodyCareRN is my OL site,
    please share! Organic is the way to go!

  2. Your skin looks so nice, I’m jealous! Lately I’ve been a lot into natural
    products for my skincare/haircare and I order all of them from iHerb.com,
    because they have the lowest prices I’ve found so far! Plus if you use the
    code TQP309 you can receive up to $10.00 off your 1st purchase, which is
    awesome, especially for people not living in the USA :)

  3. Awesome! I might need to try a little extra vitamin e on my dark spots at
    night to help them fade faster. Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  4. Sounds like a great line. I use MyChelle Dermaceuticals and Dicksinson’s
    Witch Hazel Line (alternating). For those concerned about the steep price
    of HA, the Dickinson’s line is very affordable, found in places like
    Walgreen and it’s all natural. I was initially skeptical it would do
    anything for my skin because it’s just witch hazel right? Wrong! whatever
    they did to formulate their cleansers and pore refiners, it’s amazing

  5. Never heard of this brand but I will check them out. I’m 25 now, and with
    the exception of wearing sunscreen and my cetaphil cleanser, I don’t do
    anything to my skin. I am concerned about premature aging and feel I
    already have signs of that on my skin, so I have been looking to YouTube
    videos to see what I should do. There are an overwhelming amount of options
    out there (from “high end” to “homemade”) and a million
    suggestions/recommendations. It’s all so confusing! I think I want to go
    the or

  6. Great skin ! I use just water to cleanse my face, & I follow up with an
    oatmeal and lemon or water mask, then I moisturize with vitmin E . My face
    us so clear and ALL my acne marks has disappeared! 🙂

  7. I’ve recently started using the Aveeno face products. The skin brightening
    cleanser is amazing. I also use rubbing alcohol as my toner, then a thick
    vitamin e cream (night) and the agree no skin brightening moisturizer (day)
    I love these products! Def my staple products.

  8. I think thats funny I am from Michigan and moved to San Diego almost 6
    years ago lol. Thanks for sharing these products definitely will have to
    check them out

  9. rubbing alcohol is very bad for your skin. it shouldn’t be used as a toner.
    in fact, in most cases you don’t even need a toner.

  10. That’s awesome! I used to have a regimen just like this until this mid-west
    humidity changed my WHOLE life. LOL! 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

  11. It’s worked for me, for over 10 years. I’ve never had acne and I get
    compliments on my skin daily. So it might not be for you, but it works
    great for me.

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