Here’s a selection of my favourite organic cleansing balms. PRODUCTS MENTIONED: Pai Camellia & Rose Gentle Hydrating Cleanser (…
Here’s a selection of my favourite organic cleansing balms. PRODUCTS MENTIONED: Pai Camellia & Rose Gentle Hydrating Cleanser (…
+sugarpuffish Thank you for the recommendations, I love trying new
cleansing balms and haven’t tried either of those. I have heard really good
things about Lulu and Boo though
I really love your accent and I think you’re really pretty!! U deserve more
subscribers and your videos are so helpful
Great reviews! Now to see if I can find any of these in US…..could listen
to your accent all day.
Hi! Thanks for your review – I was thinking really hard about getting the
Suti cleansing balm as it is quite pricey. I think I’ll get it now
Wonderful video! so informative
Have wanted to try the Spiezia one for a
while now. Obsessed with ur channel! Upload soon?
Great video, so happy I found you
They all look so lovely, I have yet to
try Pai and Suti balm, they both sound amazing! For know I just use my own
DIY balm, works great!
What do you use for body care? You skin looks even and glowing.
What a lovely first video! I am a cleansing addict, I love the Spiezia and
the Balm Balm too, I highly recommend 100% organics (buy through their
Facebook page, it’s much cheaper), Angela Langford’s clean sweep and
Balmology cleansing balms too Xx
Great video! I look foward to your recommendations as I just went green and
am a little.
You are such a natural & a total pleasure to watch. I’ve never been into
cleansing balm but might have to give them another try. Great video xo
Agree with you on Pai & Suti. I also recommend Lulu & Boo and 100% Organic.
I like the Balm Balm coconut cleansing oil, their prices are amazing good
Great video! I’ve had my eye on the Balm Balm Frankincense Cleansing Balm
and you’ve just made me want to try it even more :)
Great first video! I’ve been thinking about getting a new cleansing balm,
and now I definitely want to try out Suti and Balm Balm
Great video! Would love it if you gave ours a watch: Organic Skin Care –
Luna Organic Skin Care :)
Great video! I was looking just this morning for an organic balm to replace
my Emma Hardie and now I’m spoilt for choice! x
Really intrigued by the BalmBalm cleansers! Might have to buy both and give
them a try :)
Ooooh – one more thing. It was our gorgeous ladies in Balm Balm South
Africa who distribute Balm Balm and Spiezia there, who told us about you.
They are on twitter at @BalmBalmSA x
Hello there. Naturally we loved your review
Just a little note to say
thank you. Also, if you loo at our new website, we have included a picture
link in the Tea Tree Face Balm and Cleansing Balms details which enables
people to go to your link. We are in middle of our new website and doing
lots of changes in development whist it is open. We want it to be as
interactive as possible and we want to be able to put a page up that lists
people like you, not so much as ambassadors – but for independent advice
and opinions maybe? Let us know what you think and do throw suggestions
about our new site back at us too. Have a nice weekend from all here at
Balm Balm x