My Simple Face/Summer Makeup Favorites: My COSMETICS: ,…
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Click THUMBS UP if you love favourites videos! I wanted to share some of my recent obsessions and favourite products from the past few months. It has been a …
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I just ordered a dr. Sponge based on this video. Can’t wait to try it. It’s
so hard finding an exfoliating face wash for sensitive skin that isn’t TOO
I’ve been wanting to try the dr sponges for awhile. I use the clarisonic
but have heard some people like the sponge better. My favorite thing from
this summer was starting my YouTube. I have been wanting to do it for
awhile so I can get to know all of the lovely ladies in the natural/cruelty
free community.
Love watching your videos! I always find something new to add to my wish
list, something that I got to try!
I’m excited to try the Baobab Scrub/face polish, fortunately I don’t need
to look it up thanks to your links, it sounds amazing and I really want to
experience it and see what it would do to my skin
The best thing happened to me this summer…so many thing! I started a
great job, moved to another city, but the best is that I have a new little
brother that just born, I was reunited with my mom after couple years of
conflicts in our family thanks to that little guy, and also, while all of
this, I found out more about natural/organic make-up and was able to tell
my mom and my sister about it, and finally they trying to change their
harmful make-up and other products.
I’m definitely going to look into the Dr sponge and the Kiss My Face
cleanser. The best thing that happened to me this summer was in august I
started feeling better after being devastatingly sick for almost 2 months.
Hi Brianna! The product I’m most excited about/likely to research/buy is
the Planet Botanicals Baobab Scrub. It sounds amazing! I will probably try
to get all of these at some point.
The most amazing thing to happen to me this summer was I got to spend six
weeks with my 8-year-old son. He lives in LA with his father and I live in
Washington state (not my choice), and so I only see him a few times a year.
It was awesome to be able to snuggle with him and hug him whenever I wanted.
Btw, I have the Farm to Girl Raw Shea Butter – in fact, I just put it on
not too long ago after doing a honey/cinnamon mask! I love it!
All of those products sound amazing, it’s so hard to find good and natural
I’ve tried so many things but most exfoliatiors are too harsh and
products but I think I’m most excited by the Dr. sponge. I’ve been
struggling for years with bad deep milia on my cheeks and it’s getting
worse, I’m so desperate to clear it up as it’s affecting my self esteem
badly and makeup doesn’t hide it either as it’s the texture of it that is
make my dry skin even worse so a gentle everyday mild exfoliation like the
Dr. Sponge would do wonders for my skin I think as it needs to be a slow
but gentle process. Along with that cleanser which doesn’t foam sounds such
a good combination! The best thing that happened to me this summer is I
started juicing and leading a cleaner,vegan lifestyle. My bad health is
really improving and I’m honestly so excited to have more energy, I’ve been
able to do soo much more, you really inspired me to use clean makeup and
products too and you help me find great products to try, so thank you so
much! I hope you had a great summer too.x
I am interested in trying the Dr Sponge. Everyone seems to be going crazy
They look like they would really help my skin. The best
over them lately. I am curious to find out whether they are as good as
everyone says
thing that happened to me this summer ..Well actually there wasn’t much
good I got diagnosed with celiacs disease and my work let me go because god
forbid I took 5 days off in the 3 years I worked there because I was in
the hospital and had medical testing on other days to find out what was
wrong. Then they had the nerve to also do it in the same week as when I got
my diagnosis when they knew I just found out. I did have an amazing Spring
though!! I went to Costa Rica and did a lot of adventure tourism and
Glad you have a good skin care routine, it’s so difficult to get together
the best thing that happened to me was getting closer
and have everything work in unison! I would be most excited to try the
cleancauldron product, I really need to try her stuff, I just keep trying
to save my money
to my family. I loved spending more time with them since every one had the
time :)
I have the kojac sponge but I think I would definitely want to purchase the
moisturiser you mentioned.
I have been spending most of my summer with all my family x
Brianna: Which moisturizer do you use/recommend??
Since I already know how glorious the doctor sponge is, I am most excited
to try the wilding lipstick. The best thing that happened to me this summer
was getting closer to an old friend and having adventure with her.
Id love to try the the clean cauldron product because I am DYING to try her
products but sadly I’m broke right now. Also my favorite thing that I did
this summer was actually yesterday and it was going hiking at sprig lake in
California. I am sore as hell right now but the views and the peacefulness
of it was COMPLETELY worth it! Hope your summer is a blast and don’t get to
stressed about school:)
You were so excited about everything, so it’s difficult to choose, but I
think I’m most intrigued by a sample of the Planet Botanicals Skin Polish
to help everything else in my skincare routine sink in even better. This
summer I was so incredibly grateful to have a legal internship (current law
student here!) in an amazing federal government office – I’d love to work
for them some day! :)
Your skin is flawless lately. I can’t even with your beauty!! I think the
thing I would be most excited about is the P&P wildling lipstick. It looks
so beautiful on you and it’s vegan so plus for me! My favorite thing this
summer was just being with my husband before he deploys overseas for 7
months! Your videos will definitely help me through that!! Thank you and
God bless! Xoxo
The product I’m very interested in is the Clean Cauldron Aloe & Shea
moisturizer. I’m actually putting together an order, so I’m going to
include a sample to try. And the best thing that’s happened this summer is
spending time camping at the beach for 2 weeks with my son & his
girlfriend, my sister and her family, and my cousins and their kids. My
grandparents (both now deceased) began this tradition many years ago when
their kids were small, and going there feels like home.
I love your videos they are so informative! I would love to try the sponge
and cleanser combo as I also get dermatitis and dry skin! It’s been winter
here in Australia but I have changed my lifestyle completely to natural
only! Plus started my own natural, chemical free beauty/lifestyle channel
here on Youtube!
I’m most excited by the lipstick! It’s so hard finding natural lipsticks
plus it’s a gorgeous colour. Best thing
that actually look good too!
that happened this summer? Hmm.. I it’s been a rough summer if I’m honest,
but, I’ve been happy with myself for clearing out my old animal tested
makeup and skin care and I’m slowly building up a new cruelty free kit one
piece at a time lol, still searching for a few bits like good natural
foundation and lipsticks obviously hehe. Thanks for the giveaway!
Im so excited to be on my more natural lifestyle. Too impatient so going
to order the Dr Sponge now and got my first order from you today and so
tickled to try them all….Oh yeah…NEW love lip gloss
Countess…beautiful. Hugs~Kimmy
I’ve heard a lot about the Dr. Sponge and since they aren’t that expensive
I think I would give that a try. Also since I have oily acne prone skin
the Clean Cauldron ‘Aloe + Shea Moisturizer, sounds magical lol. My
favorite thing that happened during summer was visiting NC.
Hi brianna, im really enjoying your videos….ive been wanting to try the
sponges..they are def on my to get list…the highlight of my summer was
just that…being able to walk outside and having the sun smile down on me,
especially after the hard winter we had:)…xoxo
Im really interested in the clean cauldron aloe and shea moisturizer. Aloe
and shea are my skincare staples- my dry, dehydrated skin absolutely loves
them and just soaks them up greedily. The best thing that happened this
summer was starting nursing school; i entertained the notion for 7 years
and finally doing nursing school is like a dream come true.
I’m most excited for the face scrub and the lipstick. The best thing that
happened to me this summer has been started to do my research on natural
products and finding replacements for my other products, and we are moving
into a little bit small house and choosing to live a more minimalist
Yup! That Kiss my face cleanser is amazing… cannot live without it and it
makes me not even want to try anything else. As soon as I stop using it, I
notice a huge change in my skin, for the worst. Love your look here!
The product I’m most excited to try is the Pumpkin and Poppy Wildling
lipstick, because I love makeup.
And the best thing that happened to me this summer is probably that I got a
job. (I was unemployed for a while!)
I’m honestly soo interested in trying out all these products but if I had
to pick just one, it would be the Planet Botanicals face polish. I’d never
heard of that company before so I immediately looked it up and it looks
amazing! Also because I’m on the hunt for a good face polish that won’t
irritate my skin. The best thing that happened this summer for me was my
trip to New Orleans where I caught up with some old friends after 5 long
Oh man, those boot straps look so cool!
omg. I NEED those pills. i can’t stand coffee or what it does to my body
but i’m sluggish some days. thanks so much for letting me know about these!
New video! Check out my December Favourites! Natural #skincare & #health
products #greenbbloggers
I just recently came across your channel and I really enjoyed the videos I
watched so far. There aren’t many natural/green youtubers out there, but
I’m glad I found your channel. c: