25 Responses »

  1. I’m loving the build a brow too! It SERIOUSLY stays on skin – so hard to
    find in a pomade-type product. I’ve been thinking of trying that angled
    liner brush, but think I’ll pass now. I wish the precision side was
    thinner! You should give the Celebration Foundation a try – it’s my HG
    powder foundation!

  2. This is the kind of video I love to watch. It’s so helpful especially when
    you don’t know much about a brand and want to purchase something, but have
    no idea what would be worth the buy. I just wished you would’ve mentioned
    the IT cosmetics brushes. Still, great video!!

  3. I tried the CC cream in light and I did not like it. That bad boy went back
    a week later. I’m a light/medium with a little bit of oily skin and a few
    acne scars.
    First, it didn’t give me the full cover it says.
    Second, it made me look like a grease ball after 1 hour.
    Third, I looked ashy. (Sorry but nobody got the money to buy 2 and mix


  4. I’ve never seen your videos before but I know Laura always talks about your
    channel. Definitely subscribing. 🙂 

  5. Have you notice: for us left handed, the hourglass products the containers
    are for lefties, no body notice it, but when you open the container is for
    left handed. Probably the main designers are lefties. Pay attention, when
    you open your blush.

  6. I like this video. Even though you got the products for free you still give
    a very thoughtful and honest review good or not for you. Great job.

  7. Yes, please make a few more videos like this one about other makeup brands.
    It could be a new series for you. I would be very interested to watch them.

  8. I really enjoyed this video and how you described each product so
    thoroughly. I hope you can continue this series with other products. :)

  9. I wanted to love IT products so bad but they are all way too pink for me. I
    have Simpson skin basically, haha! 

  10. The bent eyeliner brush was invented for the water line. Smashbox came up
    with it for their jet set eyeliners, it works wonderfully for that purpose.
    The tightline mascara is terrific, especially good for the bottom lashes.

  11. IT is an exceptional product! The best is that ‘less is more’. Definitely
    worth the $ as the product goes so far. Just received the ‘lip blurr’
    product and ordered multiples due to the product contents. As for your
    comments on the ‘bye bye eye’…yes, just a ‘dab will do’…that is a plus!

  12. Hello, I am new to your chanel. I was watching your It cosmetics video and
    I decided to give a try to the palette limited edition(luckly I got it on
    sale!). It arrived like 2 days ago and I love it!!!… Thank you for your
    reviews and honest opinion. ☺

  13. Dani I swear u read my mind! I have been having a dilemma all week n trying
    to decide which it cosmetic palette I want! I thought I wanted the
    permanent one for the same reason u said those two warmer shades. But now u
    have helped me and I think I will get the limited ed one! I swear yur a
    mind reader! U know exactly wut video I need! Lol! I love it cosmetics. I
    think u started me on them and now they r one of my fav brands. I didn’t
    know u were a lefty too! I just went to pier 39 in sf the other day and I
    love going to their lefty store. I got lefty notebooks and pens! Next time
    I go I will get u the lefty coffee cup. It’s hilarious. It has a hole in it
    so if u try n drink out of it like a righty it pours all over u lol. 

  14. I thought i was crazy whenever i use my naturally pretty pallette i always
    felt like all the colors looked the same. Im so glad im not the only one

  15. So far I have got the cc foundation and the bye bye undereye cream in
    which I liked. You gave really informative information on the products so
    ill know what to try next.

  16. HI DANI! I would just like to say THANK YOU FOR MAKING YOUTUBE VIDEOS! You
    are amazing! I just recently discover your videos and I can’t stop watching

  17. Greetings Dani! I love just about everything I have purchased from IT, with
    the exception of the tightline mascara. The liner lover gel eyeliner is
    superb. I felt the same way about the weird brush, but know I love it! I
    believe I won everything they have made except for the brow stain. You are
    darling, and am now a new subscriber. Blessings, prayers, love, and

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