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Subscribe Now: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=ehowbeauty Watch More: http://www.youtube.com/ehowbeauty Making your own natural base crea…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
How to Make Your Own Natural Base Cream for Skin …:
Hand blenders all have different watts and speed. How many watts would you
suggest I look for in a hand blender to thoroughly whipped up this recipe?
Thanks so much for this informative video, I’ve searched high and low for
something like this. I’m so fed up with all the harmful chemicals from
some of the over the counter products. I’d like to know if you have a
tutorial for making sun screen cream? Thanks so much.
im afraid that the aloe gel ( the one in the video) will start to go bad in
my hair cream because it says on the bottle “refrigerate after opening”
what are your thoughts ?
Great video as always tour my favorite .
Thank you for sharing. Question: can you substitute the coco butter (I know
this can be used as a thickening agent) for shea butter and can you also
use several different oils to make up to the 1/4cup? I used shea butter, it
never got creamy, just very watery, I waited until the oil cooled before
adding it into the aloe vera gel. I also, used a few different oils to make
up the 1/4 cup. Any suggestion or advice?
Really good advice! I’m going to be a skincare tycoon soon at this rate! :)
Hi, amayramlew, You can use cosgard for the water phase but I wouldn’t use
grapeseed oil as that goes rancid usually pretty quick. Better to use
vitamin E oil or rosemary oil extract for your oil phase to reduce
oxidation and cosgard for your water. However, keep in mind every formula
is different and therefore you may need different or additional preserving
agents. Have fun! Regina – video presenter from RD Alchemy Natural
very very good video!
Thank you for the excellent video! I wanted to find out if calendula
infused oil can be used instead of the avocado oil. If so is used in the
same proportion as the avocado oil? Very informative video.
what can be substitute with aloe vera gel?
Hi Regina, thank you so much for all ur recepies! I wanted toaks about
preserving them: what do u recommend? I have grapeseedoil and ‘cosgard’ for
my usual mixes. What do u suggest? Thank you!!
I absolutely looove this!! Thank you