17 Responses »

  1. we ordered the SPF facial cream, which both of us feel gives us a natural
    glow..,. the healing cream which is working beautifully on acne scars and
    other scars i had. Interestingly i have not broken out (acne) since i
    started using these products, and I am a 27 year old adult with lifetime
    acne, and same for my friend. Also got the eye cream, toothpaste (LOVE!)
    shampoo and body wash. My husband is equally enjoying their products as
    well :):)

  2. I just want to personally thank you for doing this review on this company
    and their products. If it wasn’t for you I would not have found out about
    them and much less even thought about trying their products. I purchased
    the facial mask and scrub along with 3 other facial products for my face. I
    have oily to acne skin and honestly I was not expecting much out of them so
    I bought the sample sizes which I now regret. They worked so well that I am
    going to order the full sizes this Christmas Thanks

  3. Thanks for the review! There are surprisingly few for Herbal Choice Mari
    products online [and none whatsoever on my go-to beauty site, Makeupalley
    — the horror!]

  4. Im looking at Herbal Choice Mari Face & Body Lotion Sweet Orange, SPF 30
    but Im worried that its going to leave a white film on my face, do you have
    experience with this product? and this product is okay to use on your face
    right haha? Please answer Im desperate to find a product that doesnt make
    me break out.

  5. The ingredients seem to be very similar if not the same so I hope it doesnt
    leave a white film. Thank you very much.

  6. Great feedback. I have dry patches on my skin so I did like that the creams
    were more buttery. Good to know that the eye cream is lighter, I’ve never
    tried this. I am going to have to try the fennel toothpaste. All the truly
    natural toothpastes tend to have an odd consistency when you’re accustomed
    to thick foamy ones, but like you, I find they clean much better

  7. I ordered samples of the spf-15 day cream, the gentle eye cream and two
    colors of the moisturizing foundation.I found the day cream and the
    foundation very thick and greasy, too much for my skin. The gentle eye
    cream is lighter. I have used their toothpaste for over a year when I was
    advised to use fluoride-free toothpaste. The liquid state and the
    unsweetened taste are unusual, but it cleans very well. I found the fennel
    flavor the most palatable.

  8. @niddopiddo That’s fantastic! I will put the healing cream on my list of
    things to try for sure…I too have some breakouts, not anything major but
    I always seem to have a blemish or two. I really am interested in the
    toothpaste 🙂 Thanks a bunch for the feedback!

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