25 Responses »

  1. totally gonna try this. I don’t have mint leaves at present.. so iam gonna
    get them tomorrow aand try this… !!! 😀 🙂 <3

  2. loved it!!!! Definitely goin to try it and yes plz! It wud be great if u
    can show how to prepare a toner at home!!!!! :)

  3. Firssstt 😀
    I have all this in kitchen. I m tryin this out now…!!! I ll love to watch
    DIY tonner video from you <3 

  4. Awesome..DIYs are always welcomed..
    definitely gonna try this..:)
    please do toner video 🙂 would love to watch that..
    thaanks..love ya :)

  5. Omg so going to buy mint tomorrow for this! I’ve been breaking out and
    having pore issues lately because of the hot weather :-/ but this looks
    amazing, and I’m sure everyone would love to see a toner video asap! Lol
    please! <3 

  6. awesome.. helped my pollution beaten skin… but I tried making mint a
    little bit like paste though.. 😛 Thank you dear

  7. Looove this !! Definitely will try this (: but one question.. what is Curd
    ? Is it similiar to plain yogurt ?

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