25 Responses »

  1. Hey guys!
    Just to clarify- I have oily skin in summer, and sort of normal-dry in
    winter. hehe! I had just come back from an overseas trip at the time of
    recording this video; and my skin was dry at the time.
    Lots of love,
    Himani xo

  2. Check out my other video- How to Get Glowing Skin Fast- Get CELEBRITY like
    GLOWING SKIN Fast {Face Mask} DIY Beauty Tips for Skin Care ✔ Himani Wright

  3. just wondering…How long would u need to leave the besan+milk powder
    mixture on the face b4 u could wash it off + is it for every morning??

  4. Hey m a new fan in ur family loved ur videos thanx for all natural skin
    care can u pls do some videos for uneven skin tone tht wud b awesome …..

  5. Is it ok to use rosehip oil on acne prone skin? Argan oil broke me out
    unfortunately so im ware of trying out rosehip oil. Do you have any other
    suggestions??? Thank you!!

  6. aww..thanks Arpana! 🙂 So excited that you appreciated the way I explain.
    :)) I try to make things as easy to understand as possible. With supporters
    like you by my side, I’ll keep it going :)) Thanks so much! <3

  7. Wow you are so beautiful!! I love using DIY and home remedies for
    facecare…I love using coconut oil to remove my makeup…never going back
    to manufactured eye makeup remover…and this is te secod video I seen
    where rosehip oil is mentioned and I’m excited to try it!! Where can u buy
    it? lol

  8. Hi I’m new subscriber..I like the way u explain every thing ..its so easy
    to follow ..I have open pores on my cheeks …pls share if u have any
    solution for this…thanks

  9. im so proud and happy … while everyone is rushing to put all types of
    chemicals on the face.. u have not forgotten our culture and simple methods
    from our ancestors… just figured u out on youtube.. will start watching 🙂

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