ASMR Mystery Beauty Box, Show and Tell Natural Cosmetics & Skincare Products, Soft Spoken Whisper

Exclusive Content @ ASMR Mystery Beauty Box, Show and Tell Natural Cosmetics & Skincare Products, Soft Spoken Whisper Corr…

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Video Rating: 4 / 5

50 Responses »

  1. I don’t mind turning the volume up, but the kinda “muffled” quality to it
    causes some harsh sounds to me. Maybe I just have sensitive baby ears.
    Still love it, though.

  2. for me the sound was correct, you have a very soothing voice in this video,
    I felt a lot of tingling. thank you very much. Your whisper is very

    pour moi le son était correcte, vous avez une voix très apaisante dans
    cette vidéo, j’ai ressenti beaucoup de picotements. merci beaucoup. votre
    chuchotement est très relaxant.

  3. O.O at 22:55.. you.. you took a rational and reasonable stance with
    skepticism.. I’m amazed!! 😛 hehe

    That was a pleasant surprise

  4. Is it weird that when I was a kid, I used to imagine a potential girlfriend
    revealing her beauty secrets to me in very much this same way? :)

  5. Can you do a video sometime with Corey again? Where she does gentle face,
    or hand/arm touches to Corina? I loved the video corey did doing a gentle
    scalp massage 🙂
    Thanks for the always awesome vids!

  6. Good video. Ps getting water proof mascara off is easy. EVOO on a cotton
    ball. Press lightly to your eye for 10-20 seconds and gently wiping will
    remove it fairly easy and quickly. I have the same issue with it being
    difficult 🙂 hope that helps

  7. i try to use natural products on my skin aswell. ive heard of using tea
    tree oil in the shower – would this work? im going to try using the shea
    everyday – i think u mentioned that before.

  8. Thanks for the review! I ordered the lip2cheek in Modest and the lip shine
    in Sacred. Next time I’m definitely getting the living luminizer!

  9. Thanks for posting such an informative video x I’m from Australia, just
    wondering where you buy RMS products? Is it more of an online product?

  10. Will be trying rms and vapour beauty soon. Thanks for the reviews. They
    helped me decide what makeup brand to get. You’re very lovely- a healthy
    diet and holistic skincare added together makes a difference. I’m trying to
    be holistic and your channel is helping me a lot. Thanks. I’m also
    interested in your book. Will be looking into that soon.

  11. Whats ur natural lip color? I have very natural pigmented lips so when I
    wear lipsticks similar to the modest lip2cheeck color my lips look darker
    than the actual product color. I really like how modest looks on u but I’m
    afraid if I buy it it will look darker on me because of my dark lips.

  12. Hello 🙂
    Do you experience any creasing with the uncoverup? Also, what color do you
    recomend for a NW20 in MAC conlealer? Thank you!

  13. i really like the idea of using all-ready made products/ organic makeup but
    thats not always the case. It would be nice to have videos about how to
    make your own products from homemade ingredients :)

  14. Hi Hun, I like your content! Please take a look at my videos too, I have a
    beauty channel and would love for you to take a look and give me feed back
    as I am just getting started. x

  15. Here I share my makeup tutorial for the 100% natural raw and organic
    cosmetics brand RMS Beauty, apologies for the annoying clicking music in
    the background..
    #rmsbeauty #rawcosmetics #raw #rawfood #rawbeauty #organicbeauty
    #rosemaryswift #korres #korresmakeup 

  16. Skin product companies desire people to give their products a try to
    demonstrate how good they are. Have you ever seen a beauty product area
    set-up in your local mall offering Free trials? Well you must check out
    this website that will send free samples to your home, its the best way to
    get free skin products 🙂 Get yours here

  17. I’ve used and LOVED RMS beauty products for over a year now, but recently
    read that the Lip2Cheek products and possibly others contain Carmine which
    is produced from crushed beetles. What are you thought on this ingredient?
    I’m debating whether or not I will continue the use of products containing

  18. So happy I found this, Thanks so much. I have been wanting to try RMS for
    months now. I have the same coloring as you so Im think Ill just buy the
    foundation in the 22 and the modest lip2cheek and living luminizer. I saw
    on the RMS facebook page theres a new bright pink lip2cheek, tempted to try
    that to. Do you know where I can buy them in the UK?

  19. I’ve checked out the rms brand before, but what I was concerned about was
    the coconut oil and cocoa butter. I’ve read that they’re quite comedogenic
    (both rating 4 out of 5), although there are many reviews of people using
    them as moisturizers and having no problems. So are they really comedogenic?

  20. Thanks for the lovely comment 🙂 Thats such a shame that your skin reacted
    to it as its such a beautiful range! Have you ever tried using coconut oil
    on your face on its own? If so have you had a reaction to it? The reason I
    ask is that it seems to be contained in most of the RMS products and on
    rare occasions I have had clients say that they have had a similar reaction
    to the coconut. Personally I can sleep in the RMS range and it wont
    irritate my skin, & thats rare as my skin is sensitive x

  21. I’m absolutely in love with you and your videos. As a teenager in America
    it’s hard to find organic and non irritating makeup for sensitive skin.
    What are your recommendations for acne and what may help prevent and cover
    annoying breakouts? THANKS 🙂

  22. To cover up acne I would suggest either the RMS Beauty uncoverup or I’m
    also enjoying Vapour Organic Beauty Luminous Foundation. I recently posted
    a video on it if you want to check it out. Both of these foundations are
    gentle and natural and wont irritate your skin. In regards to reducing
    acne, it really comes down to diet & lifestyle and not putting any harsh
    artificial skin care products on that will unbalance your skin. Keep
    watching my vids as I’ll be covering skin issues soon x

  23. I love the colors and ingredients in this brand. I’m not wild about the
    pots since fingers in skin care cause bacterial growth. Though this can be
    easily avoided by using orange sticks. Thank you for this informative

  24. I have used coconut oil all over my body (and face) and I don’t have any
    issues. When I wear the RMS foundation my skin has no reaction at all, if I
    use a high end foundation eg Chanel etc I break out. x

  25. Skincare companies would like individuals to try their new products to
    demonstrate how good they are. Have you ever seen a cosmetics area set-up
    in your local shopping plaza offering free test products? Well I discovered
    a website that will send Free trials to your home, its the best way to get
    free skincare products 🙂 Get yours here

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