This video is being sponsored by http://fashionwithfifi.com/ How to Clean Your Face Naturally The Oil-Cleansing Method (OCM) Alright, it might sound a little…

Jojoba oil can do wonders for your skin! It can help improve your tone, elasticity, fine lines, pores, and texture! In addition to this, Jojoba oil has antib…
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Started on Monday and my skin is soft and has cleared up a lot . I use the
castor oil and almond oil amazing.
WOW! Your skin is so beautiful 🙂 I’m experimenting with the OCM right
now. Fingers crossed….
girl you look good .
Heyyyy I was just in the bathroom doing this. My skin looks totally clean
🙂 your skin is beautiful
What the heck! You’ve got the most beautiful skin! OMG! I just purchased
mineralixers oil cleansers by bare minerals. I really like it thus far but
it may be just a tab-bit drying?
your skin is literally flawless, everything is one skintone wow
I’m going to do this. But Instead of putting all that olive oil in, I might
make it half olive oil and the other half coconut oil.
Do you still use this method to cleanse your face.
She’s doing a lot of the steps totally wrong
This is crazy I just saw this on Pinterest last night and here you go with
a video! Will def be trying this thanks for posting
I have been doing this since last year. I use just castor oil (cold
pressed) and my skin has been great.
Your skin is just lovely. At first I thought you had on some type of base
makeup. Glad to be proven wrong. I’ve tried this method off and on never
sticking to it. After seeing how beautiful your skin is I am going to
start back. There are so many harsh chemical products out there (costing
hundreds of dollars) that slough off the dead skin cells and restore a
natural glow. When all that is needed is a good oil washing. Thank
you for Posting.
You’re skin is beautiful, I wish mine was like that. :(
Beautiful skin. You video had convinced me to stick with this.
African export you are so beautiful!!! i like the name too
Please dont keep water in your sink EVER. Not for shaving, especially not
for facial use. Your sink is 100% likely full of bacteria.
Have you ever had issues with dark spots? If so, what care regimen would
you use.
@KITTENDELISH My skin feels softer and very moisturized when I use this
@m041383 It’s meant to balance your skin’s oil cycle. It will do this in a
few days, give or take. Ultimately, you won’t get any new pimples after the
first impurities come to the surface, and your face should be clear of your
dark spots in 1-3 months. So, yes, it supposedly clears up acne.
your skin is A-mazing!
No one would ever want to walk around throughout the day with the presence
of dark circles under the eyes. However, they will appear if your lifestyle
is one that contributes to the development of dark circles. torveny.net
does this remove black head ?!?!
ur skin looks effing awesome!! i’m trying this out later…just wondering,
how often do u do OCM in a week?
do you wash your face first before you start ?
I’ve been using it for about 3 months, I use it as a moisturizer every
night. It has completely gotten rid of my dry skin issue, but my clogged
pores are still stubborn.
do you wash your face befor using the oil? Or do you wash your face with
the oil?
Hi, can it help with elasticity of the skin? Skin feels a little dry after
using it.
Starting today. Wish me luck!
Great video:) I’ll try this
I buy my jojoba oil on http://www.iherb.com?rcode=HWK155
and also have I discount code HWK155 for 10$ :))
You were the best to describe this! I have clogged pores which causes me to
get that acne under my skin that really hurts. I think that’s cystic acne?
Anyways, do you think if I clear up my clogged pores with jojoba my hurtful
acne should go away? Do you know anyone who has it like me and the end
result? And is it okay if I rub 2-3 drops into my face, wash my face…and
then moisturize with it with another 2 drops? I heard to this this one
time. Thanks!
@vintagecar6 Yes, I definitely leave the jojoba oil on my skin 🙂 I put it
on as soon as i’m done with my evening shower. I should mention that I
ususally only put it on in the evenings when I’m not going to put any
makeup on on top of it. In the mornings, when I wash my face with water, i
don’t usually put any jojoba on. Although it might work as a nice base!
Never tried it before 🙂
hello 🙂 nice because I really am a teenager and I would love you recommend
me a very mild soap (not maltrete skin, or irritated),.. I have oily skin
.. and what worries me most are the whiteheads. and I have recommended
salicylic acid but say too dry skin and of benzoyl perioxido but I decided
… But the truth as I have used, not much confidence I have alos harsh
soaps So do not think there is a preferred organic foam soap for my problem
.. with a natural ingredient that helps me? thankss ;D
have u tried it on hair..?
Hey there! That’s very strange, I’ve never heard of it stinging your eye.
Hmmm 🙁 I do know when it comes to jojoba, a very tiny bit goes a long way.
You mentioned that you get an oily glow. You shouldn’t really ever see any
oiliness, if you do, you might be putting too much? I hope this helps, and
sorry that you haven’t had much luck with it 🙁
I’m so glad you enjoyed the video! And thank you for the comment, you are
too sweet 🙂 🙂
Just wanted people to know that jojoba oil can be purchased at Sally Beauty
Supply too. Its the Queene Helene brand and it has worked for my dry hair
and very acne prone skin. I paid about $6.00 for an 8 oz. bottle.
Unbeatable! Check out the acne.org guy on how to apply the drops to your
moisterizer too. He can be found on youtube and his skin is unbelievably
clear and supple!
Sorry! I just saw this post and realized I haven’t responded yet 🙂 I’m
curious to know how you’re doing now that a month has gone by? Has your
skin adjusted to it? I only use it after my evening shower. I don’t
typically wear it under make-up … but I don’t see why you can’t! Just
remember, a little goes a LONG way with jojoba 🙂
That’s awesome, I’m so glad it’s helping you. It’s funny you mention mixing
it with coconut oil. I just tried doing that about a month ago, and
absolutely loved it. It’s a bit thicker, but great for winter time when it
can get very dry!
@NaturallyAlive Great, Thanks for your supporting & you are the one who let
me be brave to keep using jojoba for my clogged pore until it’s clear.
Awaiting for ur make up video, & tell us what you use for moisturiser
before make up. Thanks again!
@sueryun I’m glad it helped! Yes, your skin definitely needs time to
adjust. I’m don’t know too much about egyptian magic, I’ve never heard of
it before. But I know jojoba oil works well with pretty much any skin type,
you just need to let it cleanse your skin first. And remember, a tiny drop
on damp skin truly goes a long way 🙂 Good luck and let me know how it goes
So sorry that I missed your post … I hope you have found a good jojoba
oil in your area by now …. but I usually buy it at my local healthfood
store. They all have them. Just make sure it’s 100% pure jojoba oil.
i have oily skin and have problems with pimples/acne and i was just tired
of having to blot my face all the time, and also having redness and patchy
skin on and off. i came across your video and thank God for this! my daily
routine now is to wash my face with a deep cleansing cleanser, use a toner,
then with one pump of organic moisturizer by Sukin and one drop of jojoba
oil, i massage it into my face. my skin is neither dry nor oily! i also
scrub my face twice a week. my skin is loving it!!
It’s supposed to be better for your skin if you leave the pimple alone …
it should go away on it’s own. But personally, I’m a squeezer lol. I can’t
help it, just too tempting!!! LOL. BUT, I’m not a multisqueezer lol…
that’s when you get into trouble. If you’re gonna squeeze, I say do it once
and let it heal hehe 🙂
@wingwing1238 Hi! You can definitely use Jojoba as your cleanser too – it
works really well! But for me, I find I don’t really need a cleanser,
because I just wash my make-up off in the shower with Johnsons head-to-toe.
It works great on my face – not harsh at all like other cleansers. I don’t
really use much sunscreen unless I’m going to be outdoors a lot – but I do
love using makeup! I highly recommend Bare Escentuals mineral makeup …
I’ll do a video on that soon!
SO EXCITED!!! I bought on amazon…. check out my channel for other organic
products I bought!!!! Please subscribe
You said ‘amazing’ at least 7 times….
do you use jojoba oil in the morning..and how??
I really want to try this but i have some questions soo here they are ….
do you wash your face in the shower (with what) before you put on the oil
and in the morning should you wash with a cleasner and use a mosturizer or
what??? thanks for the video i cant wait to try!
@NaturallyAlive lol no problem, im gonna try the desert essence jojoba snd
ditch this stuff I got on ebay. a quick question though.. which should I be
buying the cold pressed or organic? primarily for the face as a