The items in the review: Peach body cream (pump) bought at 100% pure last year From Chocolate Lotus: 100% Pure Strawberry Lip Butter 100% Pure Creamstick Lip…

Click here to enter: If you would like to find out more about Vapour Organic bea…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
I really enjoyed your review! 😀
@iiicoco I have used this on my entire body and face…unfortunately 100%
pure has been reformulating their products and now many of them are no
longer organic or contain much less organic ingredients so I am not
purchasing form them any more, not to mention that they banned me from
their Facebook page for bringing this up to them :s…I actually prefer the
Bubble & Bee product line, the owner is extremely honest and knowledgeable
and their products are safe and better priced.
To be in the running to win one of twenty Vapour Organic Beauty gift packs
valued at over $84 be sure to enter the compettion I mention in the video
below, or for more info visit
Good luck lovelies! xx
#organicmakeup #organiccosmetics #vapourorganicbeauty #blogger
#competition #naturalmakeup #naturalremedies #naturallipstick
#thebeautyplan #tarte 
This is great! 
Thank you for your channel. It is my new favorite!!! 🙂 xoxoxo
Hey everyone, if you want to try out some of the awesome products Emily
mentions in this video, they are offering a 30% black Friday discount,
which is INCREDIBLE!!!
You are so gorgeous and I love your hair color! I am definitely subscribing
A big smile (type it in facebook and it shows up)
Dermorganic have an AMAZING shampoo, the daily conditioner one. It does
wonders for my hair!
You can’t beat organic base beauty products
I love that you use à lot of natural product enter me 🙂
So happy you enjoy the videos 🙂 The site should be up in about 24 hours xx
Thanks for the tip! 🙂
If you are based in Europe there are two fantastic online stores that stock
Vapour, I’m not able to provide a link in comments, so just google
naturisimo & beingcontent or if you are in London and would like to try the
products in person you can visit: Content Beauty 14 Busltrode St. London,
I’m really looking forward to trying their lipstick!What lipstick shades
would you recommend? x
You got nice hair. My partner is looking and purchasing organic and natural
beauty products only now
i would love to win this! i loooove vapour. have tried samples and fell in
love 😉 thx for this review and competition. greetings from switzerland
Congratulations on those good things happening! Always enjoy your videos –
looking forward to see more!
What does 😀 mean ??
For years I tried to get rid of my cellulite with no luck until I found
this amazing program offered by Visit and check it
out! Why does the measure engineer the hissing profit? How does the thunder
help the fearless respect? When does the nice work decide the minute?
I love your chanel! I hope I will win this, I love organic product!
3rd lol
I love the Vapour lipsticks and concealer. I’ll have to pick the foundation
up now! 🙂
Thanks! & yep organic all the way 🙂
Wow you are so so beauyfull !!! I wanr to look like you, relly !!! ♥♥♥ LOVE
Super ninja first commenting skills! 😀