12 Responses »

  1. Yes, I notice that when I eat more whole, clean foods – lots of fruits &
    veggies – my skin clears up a bit! When I found out I was lactose
    intolerant, cutting out dairy made a huge difference in my skin too. I
    still eat a little bit here and there, but I rarely eat any cheese or drink
    milk anymore. In very small amounts, I can handle it. Make sure you drink
    lots of water too!

  2. Do you dilute the apple cider vinegar? If you don’t, you need to. It’s wayy
    waay too acidic for your skin and can destroy the lipid layer of your skin.

  3. I have acne like you ،i am realy tired of my skin i noticed the food has
    the biggest role in the purity of the skin skin i like your routine and i
    am gonna try it thank you a lot

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